Monday, December 4, 2006

Touching Cloth On A Monday Night

It's been a while since I had a blog, so you'll have to put up with me until I get back into things.

The last time I did this sort of thing, I was single and didn't worry about offending anyone. Not that my wife is easily offended, but I can no longer express my monstrous ego with reckless abandon. Not if I hope to get any, if you know what I mean.

I don't typically talk about the day's events, because sure as to fuck, I'll already have been bored shitless and will not want to rehash the intricacies of trying to scratch my balls.
Instead, perhaps I'll write about the scenes that pop into my head...


Melinda said...

What is a Captain doing at home on a Monday night? Shouldn't he make sailing on a ship or making rum or attending grand glorious balls? I don't think you're a real Captain at all... no, no you're a coward who hides behind his blog. I bet you don't even make beerfarts either you liar!!

Moxy Ness said...

"Not if I hope to get any, if you know what I mean."

Please explain Mr. Captain Beerfart? Any what? Hot lunches?

I look forward to reading more!

betablogger said...

"I bet you don't even make beerfarts either you liar!!"

If you need proof, I'm happy to oblige. Hold on!

betablogger said...

"Any what? Hot lunches?"

If that's what the kids are calling it these day, then yes.